Indio Downey faces drug possession charges

Alabama residents may recognize the concern expressed by Robert Downey Jr. for his son Indio Downey in a recent statement. The day after Indio Downey was charged with drug crimes, his father released a statement about the genetic factors involved in addiction, voicing his concern that his son may have inherited addiction issues. The well-known actor, who has been successful for his roles in the films “Iron Man” and “The Avengers,” previously dealt with significant career and legal setbacks because of his own drug-related issues. He noted that support was being rallied to assist the young man in dealing with the issue, thanking local authorities for intervening with his son.

The June 29 detention of Indio Downey occurred when a vehicle he was riding in was stopped by authorities in West Hollywood, Calif. Although there were two additional occupants, only Indio Downey was taken into custody that afternoon. Bond was set at $10,250, and he was released that same evening. A court appearance has been scheduled for August 29 in connection with charges of possessing drug paraphernalia and a controlled substance.

The circumstances surrounding the vehicle being stopped may be of specific interest to Indio Downey’s lawyer. There may be a significant difference in defense strategies based on whether the alleged drugs and paraphernalia were in clear view or stored. Additionally, the reason for the stop may be important as a lawyer considers any possible violation of search and seizure rights.

A criminal defense lawyer may review reports of an incident to pinpoint potential rights violations. However, with the family’s support in this case, the lawyer and client may be interested in negotiating a plea deal that would allow the young man to seek help in a rehabilitation program.

Source: The Huffington Post, “Robert Downey Jr.’s Son Arrested For Drug Possession (UPDATE)“, June 30, 2014