How do you hire the right attorney after a car accident? Contact Smith Law Firm

How Do I Hire an Attorney for My Alabama Auto Accident Injury Claim?

If you have ever been involved in a car accident in Alabama, you may have many questions running through your mind: will my car recover from this accident? Who will pay for the damages and my medical bills? Who is liable for what happened? Dealing with the aftermath of an auto accident can be overwhelming. Your life may have been changed forever by this accident and a lot of these questions may be hard to answer on your own.

When Should You Consider Legal Representation?

One important thing to remember is that if you’ve been involved in a car accident in Alabama, you should gather as much information as you can at the scene of the accident, no matter the severity of injuries or damages. This will help your future claim and put you in a position to recover the damages you not only need, but deserve. You may be wondering if you need to have an Alabama auto accident attorney for your auto accident claim. There are a few things you should consider.

If you had a small fender bender or a minor accident, or if it’s clear who is liable, or if there’s no need for extensive investigation of your case, you should be able to deal with the insurance companies and filing your claim in order to receive compensation for damages and injuries. But if you sustained serious injuries, you may need an experienced Alabama personal injury lawyer to be your advocate to help you navigate the claims process.

One major benefit from hiring an Alabama auto accident attorney is having a legal expert by your side–one that is trained and experienced in the area of car accidents. You may think that your claim is a clear-cut issue, but then you can find out your case is a lot more complex than you thought or you run into a roadblock such as a claim denial. Other scenarios that may have you at least reconsider securing legal counsel include the following:

  • Who is liable for the accident has become unclear.
  • You’re not sure what compensation you can claim for the accident.
  • The insurance company adjuster thinks your injuries occurred prior to the car accident and asks for medical records proving so.
  • Instead of a lump sum payment, you receive a structured settlement.
  • You feel like you need a legal expert to negotiate your settlement for you.

As stated before, there are other issues that may lead you should seek an Alabama auto accident attorney, such as mounting medical bills due to serious medical injuries and your case is complex and needs a deeper look or further expert investigation. Other instances include:

  • An insurance claim denial where you are sure that it was in error and the insurance company is refusing to reconsider.
  • A low settlement offer from the insurance company.
  • You’ve become disabled and will need future medical treatment.
  • One of the injured parties is a minor and sustained moderate to severe injuries.
  • The issue of liability is being contested and you believe you are not at fault.

What an Experienced Alabama Car Accident Attorney Can Do for You

If you’re looking for an experienced Alabama personal injury lawyer, you will want one that has specialized in car accidents. That is important because you’ll want someone who knows how to deal with insurance companies and is an experienced negotiator. Here is what an attorney can do for you on your behalf for your case:

  • Handle communications with insurance companies
  • Gather evidence to help determine and prove liability
  • Communicate and work with doctors and other healthcare providers regarding your medical records and other pertinent information for your case
  • Negotiate with the insurance company or the defense attorney for a better settlement

 Contact Smith & McGhee Today

If you’re not as familiar with Alabama law, or your case has a lot of confusing details or moving parts, you should consider seeking legal consultation. At the law offices of Smith & McGhee, P.C., our skilled Alabama auto accident attorneys understand the complexities of car accident cases and can help build a strong case or claim that can lead to you receiving the damages you deserve. Contact us today at (334) 702-1744 for a consultation to learn how we can help.