Car Accidents in School Zones

Car Accidents in School Zones: Legal Responsibilities And Safety Precautions

Car accidents in school zones can be particularly distressing because they are often preventable through responsible driving and adherence to traffic laws. In Alabama, legal responsibilities are clear, and drivers should exercise caution in areas where children are present. If your child was injured in an accident within the school zone, you should consult with an experienced car accident attorney to learn about your best legal options. 

Legal Responsibilities of Drivers in Alabama School Zones

Speed Limits

In Alabama, reduced speed limits in school zones are vital for ensuring the safety of students. Drivers are legally required to adhere to these limits during designated school hours. Failing to do so can result in serious consequences, including fines and legal penalties.

School Bus Laws

Alabama has strict laws regarding the passing of school buses. When a school bus displays its stop sign and flashing lights, all vehicles need to come to a complete stop until the bus continues its route. Disregarding these laws can lead to significant legal repercussions.

No Passing

It’s illegal to pass another vehicle in a school zone when children are present or when school buses are loading or unloading passengers. Passing in a school zone is prohibited to prevent accidents and protect the safety of students.

Yield to Pedestrians

Drivers must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians, including students and crossing guards, who are in crosswalks or at intersections within school zones. Failure to yield to pedestrians can result in serious accidents and legal consequences.

Duty of Care

Alabama law imposes a duty of care on all drivers. This means that drivers need to exercise caution and reasonable care when operating their vehicles, especially in areas where children are present, such as school zones and residential neighborhoods.

Safety Precautions to Avoid Road Accidents in School Zones

Reduce Speed

Drivers should always reduce their speed when entering a school zone, even if it means driving below the posted speed limit. Slower speeds provide more time to react to unexpected situations.

Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving is a significant contributor to accidents. Drivers should avoid using their phones, eating, or engaging in any activity that diverts their attention from the road, especially in school zones.

Watch for Crossing Guards

Crossing guards play a vital role in ensuring children’s safety near a school. Drivers must obey their signals and instructions without exception.

Stop for School Buses

When a school bus stops and extends its stop sign, drivers must come to a complete stop and remain stopped until the bus continues its journey. Ignoring this law puts children at great risk.

Teach Children About Road Safety

Parents and guardians should educate their children about road safety, including the importance of using crosswalks, looking both ways before crossing, and being cautious around moving vehicles.

Potential Defendants in a School Zone Car Accident 

If a car accident occurs in the school vicinity and you wish to pursue legal action, the parties you can potentially sue will depend on the circumstances and who is at fault for the accident. Here are some potential parties that may be liable in a school zone car accident:

  • The At-Fault Driver: In most car accidents, the primary party to sue is the driver who was at fault for the accident. If the driver’s negligence, such as speeding, distracted driving, or failure to yield, led to the accident, you may pursue a lawsuit against them.
  • The Vehicle Owner: If the at-fault driver was not the owner of the vehicle, you may also include the vehicle owner as a defendant in the lawsuit. Vehicle owners can be held liable for the actions of drivers operating their vehicles in certain circumstances.
  • School District: In some cases, if the accident was caused by hazardous road conditions or poor signage within the school zone, the school district responsible for maintaining the zone’s safety may be held liable.
  • Bus Driver or Bus Company: If a school bus was involved in the accident and the bus driver’s negligence contributed to the collision, you may have a legal claim against the bus driver or the bus company responsible for transportation.
  • Manufacturers: If a vehicle defect or malfunction was a contributing factor in the accident, you may consider a product liability lawsuit against the vehicle or parts manufacturer.
  • Local Government: In cases where inadequate road design or maintenance within the school zone played a role in the accident, you might explore a claim against the local government responsible for road maintenance.
  • Pedestrians: In rare cases, if a pedestrian’s actions contributed to the accident, they may be held liable. Based on this, lawsuits against pedestrians are less common and usually involve exceptional circumstances.

If you want to determine the appropriate party to sue, you may want to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney. They can assess the details of the accident, review relevant laws, and identify liable parties. In special cases, liability can also be shared among multiple parties. Seasoned car accident attorneys will consider all avenues to maximize compensation. 

Our Attorneys have the Experience to Take on Large Insurance Companies. Get Strong Legal Representation from Us to Fight for Your Rights.

The seasoned car accident attorneys at Smith Law Firm recognize the unique challenges and concerns that come with school zone accidents. Our lawyers are here to help you pursue a successful claim and ensure your child receives the support and compensation they deserve. We approach every case with compassion and commitment, recognizing the physical, emotional, and financial toll such accidents can take on families. To schedule your free initial consultation, call us at 334-377-1674 or fill out this online contact form.