Smith Law Firm

Why You Shouldn’t Give An Insurance Adjuster Your Health History

Why you shouldn't give your health history to an adjustor

Why you shouldn't give your health history to an adjustor

In a personal injury case where you are seeking damages for your injuries and losses from the negligent party, handling conversations with insurance adjusters becomes a delicate process. One common mistake injured victims may make is divulging extensive details about their health history during these discussions.

Why Providing Health History is Risky to Insurance Adjusters

What to Share and What to Withhold from the Insurance Adjusters?

Stick to Relevant Information

Focus on Current Injuries:

Limit your discussions to the injuries directly related to the incident in question. Provide concise details about the current medical treatment, prognosis, and impact on your daily life.

Consult with a Medical Professional

Medical Reports and Opinions:

Rely on medical professionals to provide reports and opinions on the extent of your injuries. Share these reports with the insurance company instead of providing subjective information.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Will Counter the Insurance Company’s Tactics Regarding Your Health History 

In Alabama, there is no rigid legal requirement for an individual to disclose their complete health history to insurance adjusters in a personal injury case. Stemming from this, there are nuances and considerations that injured victims should be aware of when communicating with insurance companies during the claims process.

Here are the ways in which a skilled attorney can protect your rights and interests:

Knowledge of HIPAA Regulations

An experienced personal injury lawyer will be well-versed in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations, which safeguard the privacy of medical information. They will ensure that the insurance company adheres to these regulations and does not overstep boundaries in obtaining or using health history information without proper authorization.

Controlled Release of Information

Your personal injury lawyer takes control of the release of information, ensuring that only relevant medical details related to the injuries from the incident in question are disclosed. They guide their client on what information is necessary for the claim and protect them from divulging unnecessary health history that could be misused.

Professional Medical Documentation

Rather than relying solely on verbal communication, the attorney emphasizes the use of professional medical reports and opinions. These documents provide objective evidence of the injuries, treatment, and prognosis, minimizing the risk of misinterpretation or manipulation by the insurance company.

Limiting Interactions with Adjusters

Your lawyer manages and limits direct interactions between their client and insurance adjusters. They act as a buffer, handling communications and negotiations on behalf of the client to prevent the insurance company from pressuring or coercing the individual into providing more information than necessary.

Strategic Timing of Information Disclosure

A seasoned personal injury attorney understands the importance of strategic timing in the disclosure of information. They ensure that medical information is presented at an appropriate stage in the claims process, minimizing the insurance company’s ability to use it against the client prematurely.

Legal Protections Against Coercion

The lawyer educates their client on their rights and legal protections against coercive tactics employed by insurance adjusters. They advise the client on when to consult with legal representation before providing certain information, ensuring that their rights are upheld.

Emphasizing Causation

To counter attempts to attribute injuries to pre-existing conditions, a skilled attorney emphasizes the causation link between the incident and the injuries. They build a strong case demonstrating that the injuries being claimed resulted directly from the accident in question.

Preventing Unfair Reductions in Claim Value

Your personal injury lawyer anticipates efforts by the insurance company to devalue the claim based on health history information. They proactively counteract such attempts by presenting compelling evidence of the impact of the injuries on the client’s life and well-being.

Negotiating Fair Settlements

In negotiations, your attorney tirelessly advocates for a fair settlement that considers the full extent of the client’s injuries and losses. They use their negotiation skills to counter any attempts by the insurance company to undervalue your claim based on health history information.

Litigation as a Last Resort

If negotiations prove unsatisfactory, a resourceful attorney is prepared to take the case to court. They have the trial experience to present a compelling case before a judge and jury, challenging any attempts by the insurance company to use health history information unfairly.

Types of Evidence Your Personal Injury Lawyer will Collect to Prove Your Pre-existing Condition Did Not Contribute to Your Current Injuries

Proving that your pre-existing condition did not contribute to your current accident injuries is a critical aspect of a personal injury case. Your personal injury lawyer will work to gather various types of evidence to establish a clear link between the accident and the new injuries.

Let Our Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Aggressively Negotiate with the Insurance Company

While there is no strict legal requirement to disclose your complete health history to insurance adjusters in an Alabama personal injury case, the claims process can be complex, and the handling of medical information requires careful consideration. At the Smith Law Firm, we encourage you to approach communications and negotiations with insurance adjusters through our skilled legal team to achieve a fair and just resolution for your personal injury case. Give us a call at (334) 702-1744 or reach us online to schedule your initial consultation with us. 

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